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Phonic 18" rosewood bass and other...
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Author:  gSonor [ Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Phonic 18" rosewood bass and other...

Hi, i'm looking for an all original 18" phonic rosewood bass prefer inside veneer too. FOUND!

Also looking for the following snares:
14x8 phonic plus snare with throw-off II any color or condition. I will be veneering this to match my rosewood phonics. FOUND!
14x8 phonic plus ferro snare with throw-off II. d508x i think?

Any of these snares with die cast is a big plus!!

Also interested in 10 and 12 rosewood phonic toms with inside veneer. I have them with outside only and can offer them as a trade with cash.

Also interested in any large 20"-30" rides A zildjian trans stamps, 50's and very early 60's. Interested in thin/light only.

Let me know what you have. Contact me at sonor13@sbcglobal.net

Thanks, Gary.

Author:  gSonor [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phonic 18" rosewood bass and other...

Recently found/bought: 18" rosewood bass, 14x8 phonic plus beech shell snare, 26" trans-stamp cymbal.

Time to add a pair of sonor diecast 10 lug snare hoops, top and bottom with extended snare gates. BTW i just recently bought a pair brand new from a sonor dealer for $100.00 each but bottom is the modern style with out snare gates.

Let me know what you have and a price, I'm in the US.

Thanks, Gary.

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