It all started in 1997, with my first drum set - Yamaha DP series (12,13,16,22)
Then, in 2003 came the TAMA Rockstar set (8,10,12,14,20)...
Accompanied by a nice Premier snare (to match the color
SONOR came into the family in 2006. First, the Hilite (10,12,14,22)
...and then the Force 3000 set (13,16,22)
Before the Force set, I bought a lovey AMATI drum set (12,16,20) with a matching snare (beech with reinforcing rings). I still kick myself for selling it (I was playing only blues at the time)...
During that time (2006-2008) I also bought a matching 16" floor for the Hilite, and 3 other snares:
A Pearl Sensitone Steel snare
A Sonor First Generation S Class 6" deep snare
and a SONOR D-505
I traded the F3K for a Yamaha Stage Custom set (sold that one soon afterward)
only to invest in the Gretsch Catalina bop set (18,12,14)
And on Sept 7th 2010 I finally bought this:
SONOR S CLASSIX Stage 2 set in walnut roots with matching snare
What is left now is the Catalina bop set (without snare), the D505, and the S Classix...
Everything else I'm glad I owned - and most of it, I'm happy I sold...
8 sets and 10 snares - not bad for 14 years. Could be a lot worse...
Just thought I should share...