On drums...

Sq 2 Soundbyte
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Author:  stevesmithfan [ Thu May 06, 2010 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Sq 2 Soundbyte

Here's a soundclip of me playing my SQ 2 with the "Clifford Settings" on the Drumdial. the only EQ I used was a little mid scoop reduction on the Bass Drum and a little boost (12k) on the Overheads. This is the way you would hear my kit in a room. That's why I didn't use EQ very much.
The drumming is not great IMO, but I wanted everyone to hear a Birch kit, with clear Ambassadors.
Thanks for listening.

Author:  cliff [ Thu May 06, 2010 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

Nice sound. I need to listen more at home, with some better reproduction.

Author:  stevesmithfan [ Thu May 06, 2010 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

Thanks Cliff, I'd like to know your opinon on the sound differences between my kit and your 2 kits.

Author:  Gregory [ Thu May 06, 2010 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

Certainly a full sound! I'm curious to know how they'd sound played more... well, more gently. At least, it sounds as if they are being struck rather forcefully, although not crashed.

Greg, I think you can hear as well as anyone the difference in sound in the recordings (you're both close miked), but I'd be hard put to understand how that difference shows would translate in a room.

Nice to see you!

Author:  Gregory [ Fri May 07, 2010 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

stevesmithfan wrote:
This is the way you would hear my kit in a room.

:oops: Guess I didn't read the original post very carefully. :oops:

Greg, if that is the ambient sound you are hearing, even more would I like to hear them played more gently. I think you would get more tone and less attack from them. Perhaps I am hearing it through my own lens, and I have been fighting that battle for a while now. About myself, I'd put it this way: More drums and less me!

As an aside,I have found with Designers that my meter and phrasing improve with less effort expended, because the drums don't get confused (!) when I let them do the work and not me. So many bad habits I developed from playing soft-tuned, pin-striped huge Signatures! :oops: :oops: :oops: But it was fun! :D :D :D

Author:  cliff [ Fri May 07, 2010 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

Hey Greg,

Tough question. Your most recent sample sounds like it was recorded differently than other clips I have from you. Did you use more from the room mics in the mix than you usually do? I think I am hearing either more of the room, or a bit of reverb.

It also sounds like you are playing with more attack than I am in the two clips I have up here, and that adds another whole element to trying to compare the three.

I very much agree with your email comment that the Signatures and Designers sound very similar, when recorded the same way and played the same way. Initially I was somewhat surprised, being that they sound very different, ambiently. All I have convinced myself of, between the Signatures and Designers, is that comparison of recorded sound is not a good basis for comparing live, ambient kit sound.

The Signature and Designer clips are both dry and flat. Layer different recording and playing on to that, and I am not sure what to think about the sound differences between all three kits.

What were your observations?

Author:  stevesmithfan [ Fri May 07, 2010 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

Thanks guys. I didn't use EQ on the close mics (except bass drum). The Overheads are louder than the close mics, hence the more ambience. I'll make a recording soon, with more dynamics and soft playing. I got a little too excited when I recorded this. :lol:
The only difference I can tell in the 3 recordings is that my drums have less sustain.
It's very hard to compare recorded drum sounds. Playing each kit live, is the best way to make a concise decision.
Thanks Gregory and Cliff for your comments.

Author:  Gregory [ Fri May 07, 2010 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

stevesmithfan wrote:
I'll make a recording soon, with more dynamics and soft playing. I got a little too excited when I recorded this. :lol:

I know the feeling! What a surprise to discover that articulation, precision, tonal quality and dynamics all improve with a gentler stroke! :D

stevesmithfan wrote:

The only difference I can tell in the 3 recordings is that my drums have less sustain.

That would fall in line with general wisdom about birch, particularly heavy birch wherein the shell resonates less... and I believe you are playing heavy birch?

Author:  Kelly [ Sun May 09, 2010 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

Greg, what are the sizes and make up of your kit again.
I always enjoy your recordings. I am happy this one has a different sound/vibe to it. I love the "in the room" sound of recordings like this.
Do not listen to them...they both are great drummers and make great reboredings...but do not start playing softer :mrgreen:

Author:  Gregory [ Sun May 09, 2010 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sq 2 Soundbyte

Kelly wrote:
Do not listen to them...they both are great drummers and make great redordings...but do not start playing softer :mrgreen:

But if you play softer, you too can make redordings. :P

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