On drums...

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Author:  Gregory [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  NEW PLAYER

Okay, so we lost one, but we've picked up another. He doesn't know any of our songs, but his creativity and willingness to learn are heartening, and I think that within a couple of weeks, we'll get back up to speed.

This band stuff is always touchy; sometimes I wonder why we keep trying, but hey, how else are we going to play live, which is what I love to do best? I'm developing a project based, rather than band based, approach, and that seems a little healthier and less prone to failure. If you're playing cards with a deck of four, the possible combinations are going to be limited.

Anyway, we're hopeful and moving forward. :D

Author:  Goki [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW PLAYER

"The band road" is always filled with thorns Greg. "Josephine's Suspenders" changed several lineups since it was first formed in 2006. But, as You said, the idea of playing LIVE and having a great time while doing it is the basic motive that drives us all... :)

As the time progresses one realizes that only certain musicians are gladly walking that route - playing in a band/project that brings limited cash, but is rewarding in other fields... ;)

Good luck with the rehearsals... :)

Author:  Gregory [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW PLAYER

Goki wrote:
"The band road" is always filled with thorns Greg. "Josephine's Suspenders" changed several lineups since it was first formed in 2006. But, as You said, the idea of playing LIVE and having a great time while doing it is the basic motive that drives us all... :)

As the time progresses one realizes that only certain musicians are gladly walking that route - playing in a band/project that brings limited cash, but is rewarding in other fields... ;)

Good luck with the rehearsals... :)

Thanks for all that, Goki. It is, in some way, reassuring to know the experience is universal... 8-)

Author:  RolandG [ Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW PLAYER


One of these days we will all get together and compare "Band" scars like that one scene in Jaws. :lol:


When rehearsal feels more like showing up to "group", that can be a good clue that the forces of chaos are about to bring about another shift. :shock:

If the new member is proficient and open, then the change hopefully will not be too arduous. :?


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