Don't forget where you are ole friend...hijack away.
I haven't touched a stick in nearly 9 months and I'm ok with it. Never thought I would see those words come from me. It's been a rough time for me, spiritually and physically. Drums had to take a vacation. It's what life called for. If you are spiritually off, then you will be physically off.
Spiritually, I do not know if you are a believer in God or not. But make sure the basics are in check. Is there anyone you need to forgive, is there anyone that might need to forgive you. This is a disease that will eat you from the inside out. Make peace with those things. You brought up your Dad. I lost my Dad as a newborn, before I even got out of the hospital. Then I lost him again in my 20's. Then I lost him for good about a year ago. We weren't close either but I have discovered many unresolved issues through out this walk. In short, you really need to forgive him no matter how imperfect and selfish he appeared. The easiest way, is take a good look in the mirror. It's easy to see that we have as many flaws as those we are disappointed with. Grace and forgiveness will begin to grow in your heart.
Hope you know I mean nothing but the best intentions here. File this under "reggae drummers"