Went over to check that out. Listened to a few tracks. It would be a gift to understand how all those bass sounds were achieved. But I can see why you say an 18. It's a very chewy bass sound, one I associate with Aquarian heads. The entire sound of the band sounds as if it has been fed through a plasticizer; verrrrry chewy. I would have guessed a fairly low tuned batter with reso tensioned for tone, but still relatively low.
I'd mount a mic inside the kick, up near the batter, and another outside at the reso... but that's the only trick I know, so take that and 125ยข to your nearest newstand...
Hope someone can help you out more. Thanks for bringing that up, a great way to ask a tuning question. Enjoyed the tunes, the little bit of them we're allowed to listen to. Never heard 'em before.
_________________ Gregory