cliff wrote:
Hel Kel,
I am using clear heads on all toms; frosted G Plus snare batter (usually).
I don't think that is is necessarily related to size and/or depth. I think is just a matter of (i) what happens to produce a harmonic that is sympathetic with the snare, and, (ii) the fact the snare is tensioned higher, and excites easier.
Cliff is right - it's the tone combination on the tom and snare that inter-reacts and produces the buzz. You should also experiment with placing the 8" tom in another position (further left, or higher if possible), or check whether the hardware from the tom stand and snare stand is touching and adding to the vibration. The diecast hoops have almost nothing to do with it (regarding the note - maybe in tone clarity, but that's it).
The 10" S CLassix has a fantastic sound, but it "interacts" with the snare from the other drum set in our rehearsal room (we share - 2 bands).

I ALWAYS have to release the wires of my friend's snare, in order to play "calmly"...
Have You tried using another snare Kelly?!?
Damn - wrote everything but the MOST IMPORTANT.......
............. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW SET KELLY!!! May You enjoy these for a long time - I'm certain You got a real gem there!!!