How many teardrop owners there are on here? I mean, I know David has a kit or wilL soon have, and Tim either has or had one.
A common problem for teardrops is the lug packing has disappeared. The lug contains a steel nut which is the rod receiver. Without the packing, the nut slides out of sight when the rods are removed, and cannot be fished out, not even with a narrow probe. Head replacement becomes cumbersome because the drum needs to be tilted and tapped toward each lug so that the nut slides back where it belongs. Not so bad on a 12, but it's really annoying on a bass.
Any self-respecting gearhead would probably take all the lugs off and repack them. But that's not me, apparently. Still, having tilted and tapped my tears for several years, it has begun to be annoying. Yesterday I hit upon a solution.
Once everything is ready for the new head and the drum is sitting level, touch the outside of each lug with an earth magnet strong enough to exert force through the lug casing and thence to the nut. The nuts will jump back into position with a resounding click, and then the rods will turn in no-problem.