Gregory wrote:
Jazz vans can be much smaller than rock vans. No wonder the confusion!

Oops honest typing mistake I promise!
Goki wrote:
On the contrary, it's normal to "wake up" driving to work, and relax while driving home...
Very true Goki. The music you listen to on your way to work sets you up for the day and Meshuggah gets me ready to take on the morons that are the general public!
cliff wrote:
I have that album as well; I need to be in a mood where I am willing to work a bit to understand, when listening to it. Not one that plays well when my wife is listening too, but I find it interesting. She will say something about 'traffic' and walk away.
I know what you mean Cliff you have to be 'prepared' for that album but on the rare occasions that I am I really enjoy it. Chick Corea played in Perugia in 2010 when we were there and played a full set of his more piano based music rather than his earlier electronic stuff. I think it was Chick Corea and the freedom band. I was a little disappointed as I loved the stuff he did in the 80's with his electronic band but his hardcore jazz he was playing was just amazing! Kenny Garrett was incredible on the sax but watching Roy Haynes in his 80's banging out the intricate rhythms on the drums took the biscuit. The guy is a legend and now and again the beat would fade and he would have a giggle to himself and the rest of the band because he just simply needed a breather! It was a great night! On one of the last songs he attempted a small drum solo and made a mess of the ending and under his breath which was picked up VERY clearly by the drum mic's he muttered 'Awww shit'. The entire Arena Santa Giuliana erupted with laughter! Ok I'm going off topic here!
Umbria has been on my radar screen for a while, too. When/if that gets real, we'll get in touch and see about connecting.
That would be awesome Cliff!!! Lets make it happen if we can. Who else wants to come?!?

Here is a video from Perugia I shot of a few street performers I found particularly entertaining. They call themselves 'Acoustic Spirit Duo'. The gentleman doing the vocals was a passer by who decided to join in and I think they were just great to watch and listen too. Sorry If I have shown this to you guys before ... ature=plcp