Trying to find replacement wires, asking around those who know, led exactly nowhere. I don't want Puresound because they're too brittle sounding, and the other option was some sort of Pearl variety.
Cliff suggested I contact Gerd, and I sloughed the idea off, since I hadn't seen anything like that on his site. But with nothing else to do, a couple of weeks ago I sent an email to him, and got the reply back that indeed he had them. And they were indeed Sonor manufacture. I ordered two. He wrote back that he only had one in stock and needed to order one. That would take about two weeks, and then he'd send them. Okay, put that out of mind for a while and maybe it'll happen.
On Monday, exactly two weeks later, the shipment arrived at my door. Both snares included. Part number SW 1424 XS. Honer needs a fire lit under their office chairs. The price of the two wire sets pruchased from ST Drums (app. $40 per set with $18 shipping) was cheaper than it would be to buy two in this country without shipping. A search through Hohner's part numbers reveals that they can indeed be purchased, but I'm willing to bet that nobody knows they exist, and waiting for Honer to get them would be like waiting for Godot.
Any discussion of Sonor's economic outlook should include the dissolution of their relationship with Hohner. It may well be that both companies share a similar dysfunctional character that is the basis of their relationship, in which case the outlook is that they'll continue to bumble along as they have until everyone gets tired.