On drums...

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Author:  Gregory [ Thu May 26, 2016 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  CALF

So I've been playing the Earthtone calf head. Got some thoughts about it.

Let it stretch for two days and then ran it up. It holds tension, but overnight it seems to stretch again, so I've been letting off the tension ¼ turn when I'm done playing.

It likes a lot of tension, but on the drumdial it only shows about 75-76 even when really torquing down on the key. At two opposing lugs, I have to live with a lower pitch even as it shows 78 on the dial. The skin is obviously thicker there, and it shows more grain in that area. I hear that's normal for skin heads, but I find it a little quirky. The overall sound is good, so not sure how that plays out.

A lot less of the rim projects above the head now than with the plastic head, but still enough to play clicks.

The sound of the head is meaty, and too sloppy for me at lower tensions. Some guys are saying that their drum opens up, but on the Lite, it seems drier but fatter through the tension range, at least compared to the Aquarian Vintage I've been using.

One thing worth noting: the light strokes are more articulate and the snares more sensitive. And it seems that I can play much faster at ultra low volumes and with more ease, in a more relaxed fashion. It is as if the head is returning the stick quicker, and the sensitivity of the snares is increased. At higher volumes, the attack does not have the same bite as plastic, but again, the sound is fuller.

That low end articulation and energy makes the head compelling. If I were playing quiet jazz, this head would be a necessity. The in between stuff I play makes it merely interesting in that regard, but I am looking forward to using it at a gig. I think the softer attack and meatier presence will go over well in that environment.

The longer I play drums, the more I realize the importance of control in all aspects of the kit. It's so damn easy to forget about this or that piece, and too easy to play too loud. Loud is hypnotic. This calf head rewards playing quietly.

Author:  cliff [ Fri May 27, 2016 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CALF

Hey Greg,

Thanks for the initial observations. My only experience with calfskin is with a drum from very early in my years, and I had neither knowledge of nor concern for any differences.

From your drumdial observations, it sound like the calf is inherently softer than plastic, and the durometer readings seem to reflect that.

The stick response reported at light volumes seems consistent with the idea that the calf is softer, and more flexible, hence more responsive.

If you find that you are losing tension overnight, then it does sound like you are committed to cycles of de-tuning and re-tuning. Can’t imagine not ‘running out of hoop’ eventually (assuming head stretches that far before giving up).

Next, it will be interesting to see how long before stretch occurs, or whether continual tweaking will be needed over a gig / rehearsal duration.

I can see the attraction of low volume articulation and responsiveness, but I don’t have any dissatisfaction with either, with the heads I am using.

I could, of course, be pleasantly surprised and find that there is another level available with calf, but I am struggling to envision an improvement commensurate to the tuning maintenance effort.

Short preliminary conclusion on my end: I won’t order one right away, but maybe I should come up and try yours.

Author:  Gregory [ Fri May 27, 2016 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CALF

cliff wrote:

If you find that you are losing tension overnight, then it does sound like you are committed to cycles of de-tuning and re-tuning. Can’t imagine not ‘running out of hoop’ eventually (assuming head stretches that far before giving up).

Next, it will be interesting to see how long before stretch occurs, or whether continual tweaking will be needed over a gig / rehearsal duration.

I can see the attraction of low volume articulation and responsiveness, but I don’t have any dissatisfaction with either, with the heads I am using.

I could, of course, be pleasantly surprised and find that there is another level available with calf, but I am struggling to envision an improvement commensurate to the tuning maintenance effort.

Short preliminary conclusion on my end: I won’t order one right away, but maybe I should come up and try yours.

I have had no experience with it stretching while playing, and I am not even sure it is still stretching. However, on a Lite, plastic heads always reverse tension rods, at least until they come up against the spring load, but that has not happened yet with the calf, perhaps because the rods are under enough tension to resist backward motion.

I didn't experience any dissatisfaction with low volume playing, either, but I will now if I move back to plastic. So don't try this.

You are, of course, invited up here to try mine, which would be a far more economical choice than buying your own and trying it on your own drum since you were coming anyway. Right? 8-)

Author:  cliff [ Mon May 30, 2016 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CALF

Gregory wrote:
...You are, of course, invited up here to try mine, which would be a far more economical choice than buying your own and trying it on your own drum since you were coming anyway. Right? 8-)

Sound logic, which presents a third, and far more economical option:

Can you come down and bring yours?
:? :lol:

Author:  Gregory [ Mon May 30, 2016 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CALF

Getting my hat...

Author:  Goki [ Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CALF

Thanx for the info Gregory :)

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