On drums...

HLD 580 teardown
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Author:  Francis [ Thu May 11, 2017 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  HLD 580 teardown


I have a 580 that I would like to disassemble, clean and reassemble. I was wondering if their are any good resources or guides out their in so I em sure to put it back together again correctly. Also, looks I may need to replace the isolation material between the lugs and the shell. Any suggestions?

I tend to get lots of "projects" that need some TLC to get back in order. I look at vintage drums like folks that work on old cars as a hobby. The restoration is part of the fun and buying less then perfect gear helps to keep the cost down; though finding and buying parts can sure add up too. I guess this a better way to deal with the mid life crisis rather then getting hair plugs, a new Corvette and chasing loose women.



Author:  Kelly [ Wed May 31, 2017 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HLD 580 teardown

Missed this post.
I remember the first time I did one. I was scared to death lol.

I think Greg would be the best one to help with this. It's been a long time for me.

There is someone on Ebay selling after market gaskets. They looked ok to me.
At one time I had a huge box of those NOS from Sonor. I will look to see if I have any left.

Author:  Gregory [ Wed May 31, 2017 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HLD 580 teardown

Not I. Cliff, perhaps, because he has at least one he can tear down. Nothing to it, I'm sure.

Author:  cliff [ Wed May 31, 2017 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HLD 580 teardown

I did once take one all apart and reassemble it, when I had two and could reference the other.

I also recall somewhere seeing a fairly complete set of instructions for disassembly and reassembly, and I think it was on the museum.


Let me know if you do find that you have a stock of those gaskets.

Author:  Jeff [ Wed May 31, 2017 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HLD 580 teardown

I could sure use some gaskets, Kel.
I have a 13in Sig tom that needs all lug gaskets and a tom block gasket.
Also my 580 has no gaskets, but its serial number is 680, so it possibly never had gaskets.

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