On drums...

Call off the bets guys
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Author:  Goki [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Call off the bets guys

No need to put money on me... :lol: :D

As you all know, I'm hooked to SONOR equipment since 2006.
When I got my Hilites - I thought "THIS was it, no need to change anything - ever"...
But, the further I inspected the drums, I realized that although fantastically built and designed, those drums will not last that much. Apart from being old, the wood itself is very soft - and that posed a future risk.
Plus, a year later (2007) I understood that my love for a Designer set is getting stronger day by day.
So, after using the Hilites for 4 years, I've decided it's time to get something newer. Something Designe(r)d to last a life time.
Cliff, Greg and the others assured me that Designers were the way to go. But, there were also others like Brian who absolutely loved the sound of their birch SONOR drums.
And I must say - when I saw the S Classix, I fell in love with it. BUT, the initial price was way over a used Designer kit.

I started advertising my set for sale, and, somehow managed to sell it after 6 months... :lol:
That opened the door for my long cherished dream - finally getting a Designer set.

But, I realized that I missed the train on that one, again.
I missed my BEST chance, a couple of months back - a WALNUT lacquered set (18,10,12,14ft) for $2000, in EXCELLENT condition... :cry:
The Designers went up in price, to a point that I couldn't afford one, at least not without sacrificing more $$$ (which was not a good idea, since my price was $2500). The dollar got closer to the euro, which raised the price more. (Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that the dollar is gaining it's strength, I got some $$$ aside too... ;) )

So, as I was walking brokenhearted, I saw my fellow guitarist from a blues band I played in until 2007. And he told me he can make me a super deal on a new S Classix set - since he works in a music shop (the only back here that carries SONOR stuff).

I ended up with an amazing offer - a Stage 2 set in WALNUT (my dream finish), including snare, for $2500. The original price was $650 more...

It was a too good of a deal to be missed...

I'm (finally) a VERY PROUD owner of a fantastic SONOR set. Further more, I'm happy because of 3 things:
1) The shell thickness is exactly like Birch Designers - which is great.
2) The sizes and depths are very much to my liking - except the bass drum. BUT, if I wanna get an 18" bd, I can do that later.
3) I'm excited to go back to playing birch again, and having a different sound from the rest of the drummers back here. I had a Force 3000 set, and it ROCKED. It was loud, with attitude and sound beyond any comparison. At least I remember it that way... :P (I confess: My best set before SONOR was a Yamaha Recording custom).

Wait - 4 things: :lol:
4) I finally have a NEW SONOR set - I'm its first owner....

WOW... I guess I'm not too modest about this... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry guys - it's just I feel VERY VERY HAPPY!!!

I'll be changing heads (I wanna go with coated Ambassadors) this weekend, and hope all will be well to make some photos of my new drums!!!

Thanks to everyone for helping, hoping and cheering for me, regarding this matter... If Your positive energy wasn't that GREAT, this wouldn't have happened - EVER!!!

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!! :geek: :D :geek:

Author:  Kelly [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

You preach on brother. You have every right. That kit is gonna smoke anything you've owned before.

Author:  Gregory [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

Goki wrote:
Cliff, Greg and the others assured me that Designers were the way to go. But, there were also others like Brian who absolutely loved the sound of their birch SONOR drums.

Now, I don't think I would have said that, unless someone said that the Designer sound was what he wanted... Did I? :| :| :|
Goki wrote:
WOW... I guess I'm not too modest about this... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry guys - it's just I feel VERY VERY HAPPY!!!

Modest? :lol: :lol: :lol: Enjoy on, brother. We're all excited for you. T'would be immodest not to shout for joy! :D :D :D

Author:  SamF [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

No need to be modest we all get it. We all remember that feeling. You work hard in life and need to take time out to do something for yourself that you enjoy. I for one would like to see pic's of the set. Goki does Sonor still include a drum key and ear to ear smile with every kit?

Well done on your purchase

Author:  tim [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

Its beyond awesome Goki, congrats. Get all your sizes now while you can and don't look back, you have drums for life. The walnut roots is an amazing finish as well, you lucked out.
Definitely take time and try out different heads on them till you get what you like, they can change the tone of those kits a lot.
The kick is a cannon!!!

Author:  Goki [ Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

Thanks Tim... I'll go with coated Ambassadors for sure...

The biggest problem is that I DON'T have 2-3 hours to make this happen today... :x
So, it looks like I'll have to wait a couple of days to have the kit set up and everything...

Author:  Croyd [ Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

Huge Congrats, Goki!! :D :D :D
The Classix are very, very nice sounding drums!! After playing the HiLites for such a long time, I think the Classix will open a whole new world for you. I'm totally thrilled for you. This good fortune couldn't happen to a nicer, or more deserving, fellow. :D :D

Author:  SamF [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys


Wait 2-3 days to set it up are you crazy...... That's what calling in sick is used for... I know you shape young minds and all that but it's a Sonor set. Don't worry about the kids when they are on their psychologists couch at 40 talking about how you were not there for them BlahBlahBlah. I am sure the psychologist reply will be "For gods sake man it was a Sonor set. Now stop whining and get back to the coal mine".

After that he may ask to come over and play your set.......

Pics I want to see em.......

Author:  cliff [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

SamF wrote:
...Wait 2-3 days to set it up are you crazy...... That's what calling in sick is used for... I know you shape young minds and all that but it's a Sonor set. Don't worry about the kids when they are on their psychologists couch at 40 talking about how you were not there for them BlahBlahBlah. I am sure the psychologist reply will be "For gods sake man it was a Sonor set. Now stop whining and get back to the coal mine"...

:lol: :lol:

Author:  Gregory [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call off the bets guys

cliff wrote:
SamF wrote:
...Wait 2-3 days to set it up are you crazy...... That's what calling in sick is used for... I know you shape young minds and all that but it's a Sonor set. Don't worry about the kids when they are on their psychologists couch at 40 talking about how you were not there for them BlahBlahBlah. I am sure the psychologist reply will be "For gods sake man it was a Sonor set. Now stop whining and get back to the coal mine"...

:lol: :lol:

And the man is not a humorist. And the pope doesn't wear a pointed hat.

I'm not so interested in pics, pretty though they may be. I'm waiting for Goki's review! :D

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