On drums...

Nice snare!!!!
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Author:  Goki [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Nice snare!!!!

http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_ur ... =Translate

Great way to mark an anniversary - :D

Author:  Gregory [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

    While the SONOR musician and the drummer of part using, in order that the sound which is extolled from each direction is played back once more, planning the SONOR corporation and the import origin and conferring minutely, as the model which commemorates Ikebe musical instrument 35th anniversary, finally it became completion.

:shock: I can hardly wait!!

Author:  Kelly [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

Does that say limited run of 34 drums?
Can't imagine the Sonor price tag on that. Don't want to know.

Can't believe they used a sticker lmao. That's thinking ahead.
Bronze drum with a plastic strainer.
My guess: There will 34 people stupid enough to buy it.
And now I see why they only made 35. That's all they had left of those lug mounts.

Author:  Jeff [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

Kelly wrote:
Does that say limited run of 34 drums?
Can't imagine the Sonor price tag on that. Don't want to know.

Can't believe they used a sticker lmao. That's thinking ahead.
Bronze drum with a plastic strainer.
My guess: There will 34 people stupid enough to buy it.
And now I see why they only made 35. That's all they had left of those lug mounts.

268,000Yen = $3,350 ish. Similar price (down here) to the Artist Cast Bronze, and I'd think this drum would be more popular, wish it didn't have IKEBE on the badge.
Kel, when you say sticker, are you referring to the Sig Badge, or the Serial Number inside the drum :? , Badge doesn't look like a sticker to me.
And the Strainer doesn't look plastic either, appears to be stock, Gold Plated SQ2 style.
Personally I love those lugs :oops: , I'm waiting to see the price on the the New Steve Smith 14x6.5 Cast Steel when it comes out. I've seen the SS 14x5.5 for as little as 550Eu, I'd be interested in the 6.5 if shes around that :o ;)


Author:  Kelly [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

I like those lugs too Jeff.
Yeah I meant the sticker inside. How long can that last. Maybe the serial number is on the badge too.
I thought that piece was plastic? I'm probably wrong. i had two SQ snares too and don't remember.
Yeah I'm sorry bro but the days of 3000 dollar snares are over for me. All I can do is think how funny it is now. The snare I use now was 250 and sounds just as good as any of my old ridiculous priced ones.
And I'm seriously burnt out on Sonor's pricing. I think now they are the Rolls Royce of price tags and things just aren't the same as the good ole days.

Author:  Jeff [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

I hear ya Kel :roll: . The most I've actually spent on a snare is $700ish, cash/trade value.
The D516 I got for $270 is my current fave. Or the D515 I bought with a kit for $400 (Sold the kit for $450 :shock: ;) ), that drum is incredible.
All time fave is the HLD580, cost $500+ bits to the value of $200ish, bits cost nothing ;) /

Author:  Kelly [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

This appears to be a decent deal:
http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/m ... 34620.html

Author:  Hookd on Phonics [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

Yeah, but that's not a cast drum. I'll be getting my piccolo back in December from that series. I think they made those to use up the Signature badges.
:ugeek: Brian

PS; Kelly I with you on the whole overpriced drum thing-I'm happy with what I have, and if Sonor offered the cast drum at a quarter of list, I'd probably pass!

Author:  Goki [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

Kelly wrote:

That's a VERY fair price...

For me - $1500 should be a top price for a snare...$3000 is just too much...

Author:  tim [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice snare!!!!

Yeah, I really dig those Sig brass snares, they have some punch that you cant get out of any other drum. I am really tempted by this one, but it is hard to justify spending any scratch on a snare right now, as I am still trying to downsize and really enjoy what I have.
And yes Brian that snare is still in the "do not play" pile...

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