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King Kong Snare Cases
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Author:  Justin [ Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  King Kong Snare Cases

So, what's the dig with King Kong Snare cases?

I've heard good things about them; however, I'd like to hear your opinions. The main compartment is going to be built for my 588 and the second compartment would fit a Signature Snare Stand. I received a price quote from Bob, the owner (?), with the total coming to $295 plus shipping.

Before I purchase something of this price, I'd like to hear opinions (possibly from owners) on how well these function, wear, etc?

Are there better options?

Author:  Hookd on Phonics [ Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King Kong Snare Cases

I really like my square IMPACT cases as well as my lined H&B Enduro cases. I'm sure the KK cases are wonderful, but unless you've got money to burn, why spend $300.00 plus shipping for a drum case? :shock:

:ugeek: Brian

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