Good points, Dave.
One's attitude will vary depending on whether it's loaded from the beginning, the middle, or the end. Buying Sigs, if you don't want square racks, wouldn't make much sense. If you already own Sigs, cutting 'em down makes sense as long as you are not worried about end loading, which is selling them.
I am not enamored of Sig, although I admire them for the inclination and effort made by the Link era Sonor toward excellence. Phonics were better drums (for my purposes) though not as pretty, and can be had in sizes I like. So for me to buy Sigs would make no sense at all (even if they were lighter). If I had Sigs, I'd more likely sell them than cut them, because there are other drums that do better what I want done. But a guy should have absolute control over drums that he bought and should not have to see himself as a curator. One day, all this stuff will be nothing but sawdust and rust, and while I can understand the curator mentality, how many of these drums are really perfect specimens now, and of those, how many will really stay that way?
Not a topic that fills me with much concern.