Hi Greg,
I was the previous "winner" of that pedal. The seller either was completely clueless of what he was selling or did a stellar job (and continues to) of feigning ignorance.
The pedal was
never shipped with the missing red cam, and I swapped the cam from the slave side over to the master. Only after recieving it, was I able to look back at the auction and see that it was missing on the master in the photos:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140591097157&ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:US:1123 The missing cam was the dealbreaker for me, as I had already checked with several suppliers and all said the part was all-likely "unobtainium"...So, I decided to return it. I 'splained to to the seller that the interchangeable cam was missing, and the it was used for a brief time before being discontinued, etc.
> As an added bonus to the next lucky winner; pedal will ship in a full peach box of finely shredded paper! (little diamond shaped coffetti!)
FINALLY, a seller finds his way to the top of the
shittiest way to pack for shipping to Brian list. This was a record previously held by the
bass drum in a torn cardboard box of (and shell completely full of) styrofoam peanuts!opened up on my patio on a windy day trick. I hate spending time I don't have cleaning up a potential EPA SuperFund site (or chasing stuff with a shop-vac) at my home. The "oh Boy! moment is long gone at that point, and, Please know that I am now screaming "F-ck You" over and over as I dig whatever it is out of a mess of what you've sent me!
Hopefully, the next buyer will have a legacy from me-when I re-packed the pedal, I placed everthing in a plastic bag, to keep all the paper out of the pedal!
I was glad to get my money back-minus original shipping cost, of course!