Kelly wrote:
I dunno Greg. That sounds like a long shot. It just doesn't sound musical. Sounds like a drum.
This has been going on my entire life. I don't have the problem with any other drum. Just might simply be I don't know what I want the thing to sound like.
It also doesn't help it seems that it doesn't know what it wants to sound like. Seems to want to be a bigger drum than it is. I think this is why I always leaned toward 12 x 12. It's easier to get that size to be "something" other than a wanna be 10 or floor tom.
Here's a tuning question: If my 10 tom is very close to perfect at 76/74 on the drum dial. Is there a natural progression from there? In other words, my 12 does not work at all at 76/74. So can/should the larger 12 go to say 75/73....74/72?
Make sense?
Perhaps you have a hearing disorder that happens right at the natural pitch of a 12? It's not impossible.
I like the 12x10 Designer, and I like the 12x9 Classix. The Classix 12 is, if anything, a bit less demanding to play, but then, as we have been told over and over (and Cliff will verify), birch is naturally EQ'd...
When I first got my Classix, I tuned all the toms to the same tension. On even number sizes, that meant a tonal shift of a third between each drum. The Avon lady falling down hill. That's a natural progression, but not a natural progression I wanted to live with.
Unfortunately, I don't use a 10 so can't make any suggestions. The 12 should tune well in the 75 to 74 ball park, but the interval needs to make sense in your ear. I would guess (guess, mind you) that the interval would sound quite good at 75, but you have the dial and can try 74 too.