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PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:42 am 
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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:56 am
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Location: Skopje, Republic Of Macedonia
I still can't believe what I've seen and heard...

Those idiots used pressure cookers, stuffed with nails and all sorts of metal bits to be used as shrapnel...

To do this kind of a sadistic act on innocent people, and on a sporting event that symbolizes peace, love and friendship - You must be an ANIMAL, a TYRANT, don't know what else to say...


I hope they get it "between the eyes". Every last one of them...

Goki - short from Goran :)

Let the good drums roll!!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:02 pm 
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It's sickening. I stood near that finish line almost every year for the 10 years I lived in the city. Some years I watched from a roof top. Very fun and joyous event that will be changed forever.

I'm very worried that even with all the pics and videos people took that they don't have any great clues yet. But there are a lot of people investigating this so I'm hopeful...

- D.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:43 am 
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I feel so sorry for everybody this has effected.......thing is it will now effect us all forever in many ways and the biggest and worst changes that will happen we will all ask for so we feel safer.

Can't let these people make us scared and stop us trusting nice people.

Not sure this is worded the way I wanted it to be but there you go.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:14 am 

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It's terrible. I was running a job across the street from the second blast for the last year, got done about 2 weeks ago. This week I have been on the edge of the shutdown zone working and it has been pretty stressful with the amount of security and constant military presence, getting id's walking down the street, etc. I tried to go in this morning but they shut the city down before I could get into the building, so we had to leave. Worst thing is those kids lived right down the street from us, about a 15 min walk, right where my wife used to work.
I don't even know what to say anymore. It's depressing but the positivity of the human spirit around here has been amazing this week. We all realize it easily could have been one of us that got hurt, so the love has been pretty strong.
Hope you guys are doing alright, Goki I wish you were visiting at a better time. Are you still coming here?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:42 am 
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SonoRon wrote:
I feel so sorry for everybody this has effected.......thing is it will now effect us all forever in many ways and the biggest and worst changes that will happen we will all ask for so we feel safer.

Can't let these people make us scared and stop us trusting nice people.

Not sure this is worded the way I wanted it to be but there you go.

No, we can't give in to thugs. Right wing, left wing, it doesn't matter, it's all iniquity. Evil can strike anywhere and will continue to do so as long as man continues to believe he knows best. One would think, after looking at the massive failures and evil generated by hard or soft utopian plans (communism, socialism, Naziism, Islamism), people would begin to think twice before trying to create a perfect world version according to their individual visions... but human beings are always getting it wrong because we continue to trust our selves: "Since I am good, the world would be a perfect place if everyone was like me."

We will continue to act this way until we become holy, which is to say, until we have no evil in us.

All I have to offer are prayers for everyone.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:47 am 

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This is terrible. However, here in the States we feel safe and secure while other parts of the world deal with these kinds of things everyday. Wasn't 20-30 years ago, Britain and Ireland had bombings quite often. Now Syria. It just seems to take its turn.

Gregory, I agree, until mankind is truly good or without greed, these things will continue.....

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:54 am 
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latzanimal wrote:
Gregory, I agree, until mankind is truly good or without greed, these things will continue.....

And that's the point. We are not, and by our own efforts cannot be.

Glad these guys were caught. Now that gun control legislation has failed, maybe they'll try to take our pressure cookers away.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:35 am 
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SonoRon wrote:
I feel so sorry for everybody this has effected.......thing is it will now effect us all forever in many ways and the biggest and worst changes that will happen we will all ask for so we feel safer.

Here it starts, Ron. And it not that I entirely disagree with His Honor The Mayor of New York about surveillance of groups or individuals known to be dangerous, but rather I disagree completely with the notion of skipping right over the problem of wrestling with the moral obligation of being a citizen, straight into the infringement of freedoms because we are unwilling to deal with the oxymoron of "mulitculturalism." That the terrorists jacked a car with a "COEXIST" bumper sticker still puts a smile on my face despite the horror of the day; Patriots' Day, no less.

There was a time went a moral commitment to the country, at least in the US, was necessary to become a citizen. Now people deride that notion, and treat citizenship like a stay in a hotel, or a way to suck from the economic tit. The consequences are self evident.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:44 pm 
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Whoops, forgot the link

http://politicker.com/2013/04/bloomberg ... to-change/


PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:51 pm 
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How to balance interests and values has always seemed to me to be a very difficult question, with the difficulty compounded by the pressure of political correctness to avoid harsh realities.

The notion that innocent people in the midst of everyday life were, and regularly are killed and injured by extremists and terrorists is as abhorrent as the notion that peoples’ young sons and daughters are killed and injured in military service, albeit with a somewhat higher expectation thereof.

Each in different ways is paying the cost of freedom, which unfortunately, most have come to expect is paid only by those knowingly engaged in its defense.

Man has knowingly sent people into war since time began, sometime in defense of freedoms and/or rights, and accepted that this is the price of freedom and rights, but when average citizens engaged in their everyday lives are presented unexpectedly with the bill for freedom, the kneejerk reaction is to propose throwing away those freedoms for an unreasonable and unachievable expectation that government can and/or should afford us perfect security.

Punishment is obviously not always an effective deterrent, but it may be all we have, unless we want to trade freedom for a perception, at best, of safety.


River City Trio

What if we did all have the same opinions?

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