cliff wrote:
Just the idea that both of these pieces, and some many other disparate styles of music are filed under the heading of 'jazz' make it impossible for me to comprehend how a opinion about 'jazz' can be formed...
...but I can understand how it could be better articulated.
Greg, can you expand on what bothers about the clip you posted? Took you long enough, Cliff.
I did not even suggest that mine was an opinion on jazz. While I may have one, it would certainly not be reducible to a brief paragraph.
I said only that it was everything I
dislike about jazz, not everything I think about jazz. I've noticed that, while taking oxycodone I am willing to blurt out things that I might not otherwise say, simply because saying them would require too much work in the explanation, too much explanation of intangibles for easy communication, too much personal interpretation more likely to expose something about myself than anyone else, and because I may be reading the situation wrong and would not want to give someone else the sh##s for my bad mood. But I'll give it a shot.
My objection has nothing to do with music, per se. It was the approach to music and performance that irked. My overriding sense is that none of those guys was having any fun, although there was some pretense at the appearance of fun and being really with it and all that jazz. Seemed to adhere to and hide behind a notion - perhaps academic - of what real jazz musicians look like and what jazz sounds like. Joyless music played by posers. Phooey. A bad night on tranqs.
Please feel free to take a swing at it.
I've got to make a plane.