Five packages supposed to be heading my way from Florida, shipped Friday. Three were scanned in as leaving point of origin on Friday, while the other two merely showed 'Billing Information Received." Numerous phone calls between me and the shipping company revealed that, "the drivers don't always scan every box."
Questions as to why the scanning system if not all boxes are scanned produced no answer. But I was assured the two other boxes would be on board the truck.
Monday morning, the three boxes were scanned into a delivery hub, but no sign of the other two. The story of not scanning every box was beginning to leak. Monday night, one of the two was discovered still in Florida, for it is now "On Time, Rescheduled." That bit of oxymoronic info strikes no one responsible as ironic, but at least that box is found - for the moment.
Calls to the shipping company to find the fifth package are on-going.