Royal ace wrote:
Gregory wrote:
Perhaps this section should be labeled "Smaller than drums," or just gotten rid of entirely...

Because here drums are the big thing and why the forum exists.

Uh oh... shades of the "Rev"... We don't allow no stinkin' controversy here!
Controversy is fine, but it's wise to pick not only ones battles but ones battlefields, and one aspect of battlefield choice is how much time do we have? It takes an enormous amount of energy to attempt communication, even more for written communication, and frankly it has never seemed to me worth the effort to write all my thoughts on a vanishing webforum that has nothing to do with the intended subject.
Most controversy stems from two points. One is an axiom or set of axioms. Until they are identified, no discussion can get anywhere, and most of the time they aren't and it doesn't.
The other source of contention is what passes for thought but has no particular grounding beyond "how I feel." I think you just experienced such a conversation, in a distant galaxy, far, far away...