On drums...

The renovating is over
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Author:  Goki [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  The renovating is over

Yup, Marta and me have (finally) been enjoying a week of no drilling, sawing, hammering, painting, plumbing - you name it!!!
Plus, it was a hell of a month, since her parents sold their flat and we did all the work moving them, and we also did some renovating at my mother's...

Started October 1st
new windows in all 4 rooms;
a small bar in the living room;
rearranged the heating;
new tiles in one room;
painting the whole flat;
new bedroom furniture, and
new kitchen.

All in all - we're VERY happy how things worked out. For a price of 2 Designer sets (4000euro), it was worth it, I'm sure.... :lol:

Here are some before / after pictures (Yup, I live on the 13th floor :lol: - absolutely no drum room :cry: ):



Author:  Gregory [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The renovating is over

Looks great Goki! The feeling of accomplishment makes putting up with the dust and disorder worth it. And almost worth the Designers. :lol:

Do you two own the space or do you rent it? Great views!

Author:  cliff [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The renovating is over

Nice outcome, Goki!

Get the wine away from the radiator!

Author:  RolandG [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The renovating is over

Incredible results Goki! :P You two must be proud of yourselves. :D Hey guys, let's all pitch in to give Goki and Marta a free trip "stateside" so we can each "share" them for a week as they attend to our remodeling needs. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm serious! :shock: :o :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)


Author:  phatsolid [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The renovating is over

Very nice! What time should we come over for dinner and drinks? ;)

- D.

Author:  Goki [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The renovating is over

Gregory - I live in this building since the day I was born. Lucky for us, no rent... :) But we need to pay out half of the flat (to my brother). :(
The flat isn't big, it's only 625ft², but the prices where I live are (for our economy) enormous - $150 per 1ft². Just 40 miles from here, in another city though, they're down 50-70%...
Believe me, I'd never pay $94.000 for a flat. But, buying a house is out of the questions at this point.
The houses You see on the first pics - the smallest is roughly $210000. And if I get "help from the bank", I'd have to pay $100000 interest, in the next 30 years. So - $300.000 is unbelievable, for our economy. The final price should be $180.000...

Cliff - since I'm a no drinker, I didn't know. :o
Thanks for the advice - although the radiator is NOT so hot as one should imagine. Nothing is, back here, as a matter of fact... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Roland - no problemo. We'd be happy to help, if help is needed. After all, 90% of the ideas in the flat are Marta's and mine.
I must say, this time we let the professionals do most of the work (not the ideas, colors etc.), since we simply hadn't had the time to work in the flat during the week. If it was up to us, the cost would have been cut in half, but this wouldn't have been done till February.

We asked for professional labour when needed, but I've worked in almost every field at home (except welding by myself). I know my way through masonry (my grandfather was a masonry worker), window fixing, refining and painting surfaces, plaster/cardboard work, woodwork, plumbing/heating, mechanical stuff, electricity, gardening/agriculture work etc. And yes - just pure lifting force, for moving from one place to another... :lol:

Phatsolid - and ALL OF YOU guys are WELCOME ANY TIME, with the families, of course...

I've always dreamed of meeting you in person, so I'm sure we'll think of something. ;)

Marta and I were supposed to be in NYC this October, but (as You can see), the plane tickets money (some 2000euro) were spent "at home"... :geek:
I hope next year we'll be able to do that...


Author:  latzanimal [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The renovating is over

Goki wrote:
I know my way through masonry (my grandfather was a masonry worker), window fixing, refining and painting surfaces, plaster/cardboard work, woodwork, plumbing/heating, mechanical stuff, electricity, gardening/agriculture work etc. And yes - just pure lifting force, for moving from one place to another... :lol:

I've always dreamed of meeting you in person, so I'm sure we'll think of something. ;)

Marta and I were supposed to be in NYC this October, but (as You can see), the plane tickets money (some 2000euro) were spent "at home"... :geek:
I hope next year we'll be able to do that...



My wife says to pack your tools, she's got a list.... :D

The renovation looks very nice..

Author:  Kelly [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The renovating is over

Rewarding work Goki.
You folks come to the US, I surely won't miss it. Would love to meet you face to face.

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