Kelly wrote:
Hijacking the thread...
Passing on these guys. Mostly because the stuff is too early for me, don't enjoy playing it....Cream, Hendrix, Beatles.
Some material I like...."Who's next" stuff....but the scale is too tipped.
They said they would play anything can see where there heart is. Get on a gig with them later and they would be pulling this other stuff out.
The other band is gig ready anyway.
Interesting that you'd balk at music being "too early." That stuff was from my formative years, and I never liked it too much, although I have covered "The Wind Cries Mary" in one band and enjoyed it. The others I have zero interest in playing.
I'd say it is all rather too late for me, in the sense that many of those pieces are out on the end of a development that is a musical dead end. I'm perfectly happy playing almost anything that harkens back to blues roots (I don't like playing 'the blues, by the way. Do like the old blues musicians, but modern interpreters make me want to sleep), including R&B. That is where the strength of that genre lies, not in the excesses of Hendrix or Cream, their musical abilities notwithstanding...
now that I think of it, all the music that was generated by the drug culture is all seriously awry. Can't think of one bit of it I'd choose to listen to today.