On drums...

Dusting off the profile...
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Author:  Mike [ Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Dusting off the profile...

Hey all :c)

I've resolved to visit here more often. I miss chatting with you guys about everything under the sun. Hope everyone's well! :c)

Author:  Gregory [ Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...

Wow. Great to see you, MIke! You know I get the updates when I am of Facebook, but that happens so seldom these days. Great to see you playing so much.

Author:  cliff [ Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...

Yes, indeed.

Good to see you, Mike. ;)

Just looking in while I have some guests.

More later.

Author:  Mike [ Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...

Thanks Greg and Cliff! It's good to be back. I'm thankful to be so busy, but it doesn't allow much time for fun stuff like hanging out here with you guys. At one point this past year I was gigging 4-5 nights a week plus my day gig. It just got to be too much and I had to cut back a bit. I'm down to my Tuesday jam night, and Friday and Saturday band gigs with Shady Drive or Cactus Jack.

Shady Drive is finally making preparations to cut our first full-length original CD, so we've just set up shop in my studio to lay down scratch tracks while we tweak and refine our material before heading into the studio to record the finished product. We're hoping to be ready to release the CD by late summer. We had to make some time for rehearsal and recording, so that also made it necessary to cut back on gigging a little. I'll post some photos and sound clips as we progress. :c)

This was taken this past Sunday as Rob and I were getting the drums mic'd up and levels set in my studio. I'm using the '74 Champion kit to record scratch tracks. I haven't decided what kit I'm using in the studio for the final recording.


Author:  cliff [ Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...

Did you ever get the chance to pick up and try an Audix d1 snare mic?

It was so long ago that we talked, but I think that you were using an SM57.

Greg has gotten pulled into recording now, as well.

Also, if you have a little time, search some of Nick's (percusski) posts with links to some jazz recording he has done that is very nice.

Looking at your signature line surprises me with how quickly time passes. Seems like last year than you got the SQ2's - not 2008!

Author:  Goki [ Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...

Mike... :D :D :D

Welcome back home... :)

It wonderful to see the Champions back in action...

Author:  Mike [ Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...


You can't see it in the pic, but there's a D1 on the snare. I liked it so much that I switched to a D6 for my kick drums. Thanks for the tip! :c)

I'll definitely check out Nick's stuff. I've just started to venture into jazz. I can't play it, but I've got a few books/recordings/videos to use as study guides and I've started listening to and researching all of the great jazz drummers. It's fascinating. :c)

It IS hard to believe the SQ2s are 5 years old. I have a 20" kick drum to match now and I'm playing the 20/8/10/12/14FT set up most often.


Thank you! It's good to be back. Hope all is well with you and Marta. :c) The Champs have been on the shelf for quite a while. I had to have some repairs made to the kick drum, as the plies were starting to pull apart. She's good as new now, and I had the edges freshened up while it was in the shop. It sounds great. :c)

Can't wait to read back through some of the posts and see what you guys have been up to! :c)

Author:  cliff [ Wed Dec 25, 2013 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...

Glad that you have added the 20" kick to the kit. I have never played kick larger than a 20", and for the last 4-5 years have been using mostly 18" kicks.

Can't imagine hauling a 22" around these days, as we become ever more 'vintage', eh?

I am glad that the D1 worked out well for you. I like the D6 for an inside mic, but still use AKG D112 on the resonant head, and take more of the sound from there. The inside D6 is just mixed in for more attack when desired.

As an aside (to Greg), I went back to the Fibreskyn Ambassador resonant kick head, after trying the Fibreskyn PS3 on the studio Designers for a while. The PS3 did not sound bad, but did not open up as nicely as the Ambassador.

Author:  Kelly [ Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dusting off the profile...


Just helping with the dusting. This was a good post, Be very fun to hear the new material.

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