On drums...

minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads
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Author:  cliff [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

At the end of November, I'll be doing some recording where only four channels will be available to me. To prepare, I spent little time yesterday creating two different mixes of one short sample.

One is with all drums close miced, plus overheads; one is just two overheads, kick mic, high hat mic.

Try to determine which is the close mic'ed sample, and please share your observation as to differences noted between the two samples.

[*] Sample A
[*] Sample B

Author:  Kelly [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

Sorry Cliff. Completely baffled. I can't tell which is which. Which confirms the notion I've had lately of just using a couple mics with overheads instead of a mic on every drum.

Author:  hihat [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

Same over here, I listened to the tracks several times with my headphones on, but perhaps because I have a cold and am quite deaf, I can't tell the difference either.
If it makes so little difference, miking with only overheads and a BD-mike is the easiest way.

Sounds great by the way and nice playing as usual!

Author:  cliff [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

Kelly / Rob,

Thanks for the observations. I was hoping that the difference would be minimal, and that I could be happy with the prospect of tracking with less than my usual set-up, in someone else’s studio.

I hear only subtle differences, and I hear them more on (i) the studio reference monitors, and (ii) home stereo than I do on (a) headphones from my notebook, and, (b) car stereo.

The differences I hear with the full mic set-up mix are (i) the snare has more ‘body’ to it (especially when struck firmly enough for it to ‘open up’ and when the rim is used), (ii) more body in the floor toms, (iii) a bit more definitive positioning of toms on the soundstage.

I suspect that part of the reason the differences are minimal is that my mixing process is to rely heavily on the overheads to begin with, and to use the close mics on the snare and toms (a) to augment sound, and, (b) to supplement sound stage positioning of the toms.

If I can get the difference in the two mixes past you guys, I’ll feel pretty good about using the ‘minimalist’ set-up in the upcoming session. I’m only going to be there for one day to track 4-5 things, and won’t have a lot of time to chase a sound.

Author:  hihat [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

Which reference monitors do you use? I am recording with my band at the moment and making a mix on home stereo speakers is a real bottleneck. So we are thinking about buying some good stuff.
We are thinking of Dynaudio.

Author:  cliff [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

hihat wrote:
Which reference monitors do you use? I am recording with my band at the moment and making a mix on home stereo speakers is a real bottleneck. So we are thinking about buying some good stuff.
We are thinking of Dynaudio.

Hey Rob,

I am using Mackie 824's. See here for specs.

They have been superceded by 824 mk2; specs can be seen here. At a glance, they look pretty similar, and I suspect most changes are cosmetic and cost reduction related.

They deliver all that my ears can discern, and were not stupidly priced. I have been considering adding a subwoofer for some time, but have not yet.

I don't really know anything about Dynaudio, but looking just now at their website, they look loke a nice product.

Author:  Goki [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

So, which recording is with close mics?!? :shock:

Author:  cliff [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

Goki wrote:
So, which recording is with close mics?!? :shock:

Now Goran...

...that is not how the game is played.
:? :lol:

Author:  tim [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

I guess A is close miced, b is not.

I generally prefer the sound of a kick mic , overheads, and a room mic about 15 feet away from the kit. It really gives the drums an open sound like they are in the room with you when you listen to playback, as well as being easier to mix.
Good luck either way Cliff, enjoy tracking in someone elses studio!! It's a great way to learn new tricks

Author:  Gregory [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: minimal micing vs. close micing w/ overheads

Still working on this. I can hear a difference but not a pronounced one, through the sound card (with earphones) in my laptop. Gotta cut a disc and try it on my stereo.

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