On drums...

Steve Smith Signature Snare on eBay
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Author:  Hookd on Phonics [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Steve Smith Signature Snare on eBay

Mine...I've gotten three Link-Era Signatures this year,most notably a CL Signature and, a cast Bronze 6 1/2 x 14 that just this weekend alone has been played more than I've ever played this Steve Smith.


It's a great drum, I just don't like it more than I like my old drums.

PM me if you want to discuss this further...

:ugeek: Brian

Author:  tim [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Steve Smith Signature Snare on eBay

It would be interesting to compare my sig brass to your sig bronze, I wonder how they are different. Yours is seamless, mine isn't, but for the most part same hardware and design with a slightly different metal composition. Not many other drums have that going for them.

Author:  Hookd on Phonics [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Steve Smith Signature Snare on eBay

Hi Tim,
Nice to hear from you! I actually thought of you and your drum when I first opened the box. The drums LOOK like brothers. I haven't so much as taken a drum key to this one. Just put it on my five piece CL 'Lite kit (13, 16, 18 24) and played the sh-t out of it for three hours on Saturday, and two hours on Sunday. This drum is such a pleasure to play and had mojo right out otf the box. The batter head is a bit tighter than I typically tension my Sonors, but it doesn't sound choked at all. On the other hand, I normally tension my CL LD400 ( which is a Sonorlite that is the same size as your Signature) on the lower side than most would. But, I know your drum has a pretty wide tuning range compared to the LD400.

I hope you know to contact me if you ever need to sell that one. My joke about your drum is that only the shipping company actually makes money on it! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just to let everyone in on the joke; I bought (what is now) Tim's drum on eBay back in 2006. I sold it to Sonorhitter in 2007 or '08. Tim bought it from Mike. I bought it back from Tim. I put it up for sale a year later. Tim saw it for sale and bought it back. So, I've owned it twice, and Tim now has it for the second time. Crazy, Huh?

:ugeek: Brian

Author:  Gregory [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Steve Smith Signature Snare on eBay

Hookd on Phonics wrote:
I bought (what is now) Tim's drum on eBay back in 2006. I sold it to Sonorhitter in 2007 or '08. Tim bought it from Mike. I bought it back from Tim. I put it up for sale a year later. Tim saw it for sale and bought it back. So, I've owned it twice, and Tim now has it for the second time.

From the description of its sales history, the drum seems to be wanted more than it is wanted, except by Tim who wanted it after he didn't want it after he wanted it, and Brian, who wanted it before Tim wanted it, but didn't want it so much as Tim wanted it after he (Brian) didn't want it again. What is it? A Hot Potato?

Author:  Hookd on Phonics [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Steve Smith Signature Snare on eBay

Gregory wrote:
Hookd on Phonics wrote:
I bought (what is now) Tim's drum on eBay back in 2006. I sold it to Sonorhitter in 2007 or '08. Tim bought it from Mike. I bought it back from Tim. I put it up for sale a year later. Tim saw it for sale and bought it back. So, I've owned it twice, and Tim now has it for the second time.

From the description of its sales history, the drum seems to be wanted more than it is wanted, except by Tim who wanted it after he didn't want it after he wanted it, and Brian, who wanted it before Tim wanted it, but didn't want it so much as Tim wanted it after he (Brian) didn't want it again. What is it? A Hot Potato?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Truth is, both times I sold it, I needed money for something else. If Tim ever needs some quick cash, he knows he can send me the drum, and, he can have it back whenever he wants!

:ugeek: Brian

Author:  tim [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Steve Smith Signature Snare on eBay

We're like a mutual pawn shop with no interest, it works well. And the drum kicks ass.
I picked up a 6 in brass as well, it is a beast. Completely different animals, but both awesome.

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