OK - a few days here and time to post some impressions....
NYC, as a town, is fantastic. Easy to move around, if You're on foot, and plenty to see.
As far as the crowd goes - man, it's waaaaay to much for my taste. Marta enjoys it a lot, I enjoy the Central Park...
We visited the Metropolitan - that was a feast for my eyes. We plan on visiting MOMA, too...
We also went on 5th and 7th Ave, Broadway, Times Sq, Chinatown, Little Italy and Soho. Today, my plan is to go to the WTC, and give a moment of respect for those who perished there on 9/11.
Later, if we have the strength, MOMA and Steve Maxwell drum shop...
As far as music goes - I went to Sam Ash. They had a log of great stuff. Too bad I'm not in the mood of buying something big (like a snare or something), otherwise I was very tempted.
I'd also like to have a chance to find a shop for used cymbals. If anyone has an idea, let me know...
Otherwise, sticks and heads - these are going back to Skopje for sure...
Cheers fellas...