I didn't spend much money. The veneer was only 40 USD to fix the complete kit, the kit I bought second hand for about 1750 USD, the glue and waxoil I got for free. And time? well it was my spare time and I loved to do it. The BD tensionrods were not that expensive, I think I ordered SQ2 ones (the designer ones won't fit, they have another thread) at ST-drums long time ago for about 5 € a piece. They fit in the SClassix claws. I allready owned a SClassix in Rosewood a few years ago and hated the original BD tensionscrews because you have to tune or adjust with a drumkey. You can't "feel" it with a key. That kit I traded with "some"
extra money for the Steve Smith kit I also have. I kept the SQ2 rods.
So I think I have a SQ2 now for half the price (?).
The only investment I should do to complete the job is to get the big rubbers on the lugs (35 cents a piece, I would need 72), that would be only optical because I don't think the rubbers will make a difference in sound and the SQ2 TAR. The TAR I am not sure about. I don't hear any difference in sound with my "real" SQ2 and I do like the looks of the simpler SClassix/Delite/SteveSmithkit TAR. The TAR would cost me about 60 USD a piece and I need 2.
To show that the veneer is really cheap, here another example from eBay.de, only 15 euros (about 20USD),
http://www.ebay.nl/itm/Furnier-Birke-Ma ... 388&_uhb=1 For the fun I am going to start the SQ2 configurator en make my kit.
I'll be back with the result.
The result on the SQ2 configurator for exactly the kit (Your unique print ID (UPID):137950840610-1 , I converted the total amount to dollars for your convenience) 5594 USD
My costs, also in USD:
the kit 1750
veneer 40
logos 90
bd rods 100
(rubbers 33 , haven't decided yet)
Gives a total of 1980 USD, so I got a cheap SQ2 don't you think??
and a unique one....
SQ2Tigerwood, Steve Smith kit, SClassix scandi,Teardrop rosewood, Swinger blue ripple,snares: D505, D554, Steve Smith snares, SQ2 13x6.5 scandi, Benny Greb signature, Artist cottonwood, Lite