I must admit I'm a bit on the down side...
I tried to sell the Hilites - with absolutely no luck whatsoever.
10 people called but appears that no one realises these are high end drums.
They made really stupid (if not embarassing) offers - bellow $1200 for a 22bd,10,12,14,16ft combination in 8.5/10 state.
I got even worse offers for the 2 Avedis mid 60s cymbals I offered - $150 for both, and both are in 9/10 state.
No one even wants to suggest a price on my first generation S Class 14x6 snare in AZ.
I tried everything I could to somehow get close to buying a Designer set.
But, luck simply doesn't favour me - and it gets me down...
For things to be even worse, I already missed 3 great deals on eBay (one of them was a "like-new "18bd,10,12,14ft Designer for $2000 to my home), plus the chance to grab Tim's set, and to swap my Hilites for another one back here - and have a Designer for gigs AND practice...
But, the drum Gods don't like me at this point...
As the song goes - "all we can do, is sit and wait..."