
... where am I? Oh, right!
Ron said...
...At least into the 60s, Gretsch offered a choice of 16 or 20 strand wire sets. Even the dreaded 42 strand set was available, as it still is.
...In re resos, going from Dip to Amb to Emp produces a dramatic difference in timbre. A thicker reso produces a darker tone and reduces the sharpness of snare response.
...This gets back to the idea of going for the ideal sound in one's head, even though each drum still remains unique. Than there are the issues of ambient acoustics, musical context, how the snare blends with the set... all these can and should influence one's choices...
Bloody hell. Now that I have been playing the snare at it's current pitch, I have come to relish the sound. Only way it could be better would be deeper Poughf in the center, but not all things are forthcoming.
The way I read it, as wires are added, there will be less resonance, which would allow tuning the snare lower without incurring ringing in the center; but it would also remove the timbale effect from the edges, which I depend on. There would also be more snare activity, but I don't hear the need, and it would seem that the greater activity comes at a cost of more "extra" noise.
Another detail: the snare is tuned about a third above the 12, which puts it midway between the 8 and 12. I like it there, regardless that it is on the high side of what I am used to. As the tuning descends (maintaining the structure of 10 points of separation), the snare begins to lose distinction from the rest of the kit, whereas at current tuning, it has a very distinct tone while fitting into the overall character.
Yet another detail: Either there is a huge difference in the feel of the throwoffs, one to another, or else the 16 wire exerts much less pressure on the mechanism than Sonor's stock 24 wire... which I suppose it must, differences not withstanding. The same throw on the 6.5 is twice as hard to activate. The throw on the 8 feels as I would have thought it should.
And no, I'm not going to switch wires out. There's things like string and stuff.

But I might buy a 20 strand Puresound to play with. If nothing else, I'd like to remove the 24 strainer from the 6.5.
Of course, everything might change when an actual gig shows up!