Jeff wrote:
Gregory wrote:
Jeff wrote:

, can you please re-post your PSI readings...
I think you'll find them at the top of this thread.

Do you use the same settings, Gregory?
What about for 2 Toms, say, 12+16?
Sorry to be so delayed responding, Jeff. Looked at this, thought about it, decided to give it more time later, and then...
Those are the settings I been using in a four-tom setup of the same sizes that Cliff has. The tuning range is circumscribed by the useful range of the 12 and the lowest possible range of the 16 where it still projects.
For two-tom setups I'd use the 12 setting, and then tune the floor to whatever I felt like, so long as it harmonized. A third, fourth, fifth, sixth or octave all would be fine, depending on the drum size and the music. When there are only two toms, there are fewer possibilities of conflict, hence greater freedom of tuning.