quote="Goki"]Well - the price is more in the Delite section:
http://www.musik-schmidt.de/gb-Sonor-Be ... Black.htmlWith this price - I doubt they'll have a lot of customers... :S
I wonder why is there a BIG gap between the 3007 (1200euro), and the S Classix (2200euro)... SONOR should have invented something for 1700euro (like Renown Gretsch, for example)[/quote]
Maybe they should just charge more for the 3007, basically an RM Maple Gretsch kit, but half the price.
Made in Asia, full Maple, Lacquered finishes, main difference is 2/3's Rock Maple v's Full Rock Maple, and for a 1/3 extra Rock Maple you pay twice the price. I prefer the broader attack of the 3007's 45 edges, the RM has a sweet tone, very similar to the 3007 though.
In Australia, the Beech Infinite 6pce shell set will be marginally cheaper than a 5pce SClassix shell kit, much cheaper than a Delite. So it will be in that gap, but a bit higher than whats needed. I'm not sure there is a cost effective option to produce a kit in Germany in that price range, i think the SClassix is as stripped back as they will go from the German factory.
So they might have to go the route every other company has, and make a Pro Quality Asian kit, or just put the price up on the 3007.
This kit could easily be used professionally, Shannon Leto from '30 seconds to Mars' just toured Australia with a 3007.
I dont like 'biscuit tin' Toms, or crazy depth kicks, but I'm 37, and the majority of players 30+, don't spend as much on gear as teenagers ,or guys in their 20's do.
The kids love the 'Hat Box' Toms, and a Kick that you can't get a case for, so this is actually a step in the right direction in my opinion
. As I said, not for me, but I think they will work well
I like the idea of the rectangular badge, but,I think the Mallets should have been Chrome or Gold.
I think this kit will be popular, and possibly pave the way for a standard line Beech kit with more options.
I find this very exciting, and I for one, hope these drums are extremely popular, so I can afford a NEW Beech Sonor kit.
Something is needed to bridge the gap between MIC, and MIG ( Made in China/Germany), Perhaps this is Sonor testing the waters.
Maybe its not that SQ2 isn't working, could be that Beech is extremely popular, and it might be coming back.
Lets hope so