Goki wrote:
Thank You Kelly,
That's more or less the sound I get from the bass drum at the moment...
Marta says the bass drum sounds great for the listener - very open and live... So, I'll take that as a good sign...
Now, about the floor tom Gregory - I'll think I'll check out the Emperors on there, just to make sure what I'm getting/missing...
Cliff's suggestion is right on the spot - they do want to be in tune with each other... I don't mind the tone, I'm having trouble with getting the low end as I imagine.
When I play softly, the sound is phenomenal. The 14" only makes trouble when I hit harder...
Lovely kit!
Goki, trust in that sound. It is a difficult shift to make- at least it was for me - going from a closed sound to one that's more open. That's why I was recommending having faith in the effect of that drum as it mixes with the other instruments and as that sound projects to the audience. We are so governed by recorded music that it is hard for us to hear live music with a un-jaundiced ear.
Don't tune that 14 too low, Goki. I tuned my 16 as low as it would go, and then came to realize that it didn't project at all. A step or two above the lowest tuning is ideal, and you can tell when you get there, because it begins to sound off. And since tone is relative, the relative drop from the 12 to 14 is all your audience will hear, not the ideal low in your mind.
One thing I know you can't hear from your chair, Goki, and that is the impact of those drums. In front of them, they create a physical impact that isn't felt by the drummer.