Jeff wrote:
There is a definite difference is sound between a Mahogany Veneer Phonic Plus v's a Wrapped version.
The veneered is as you may expect, slightly more open and resonant. Whereas the wrap has that typical dry focused punch.
That doesn't surprise me, since there's a glue layer and a dense plastic sheet that might well dampen the vibrations in the shell.
Lacquer is not dense and it is not thick - and it is used on both drums. So the difference is a shave more wood and a smidgeon less lacquer. I cannot really comment on the difference because I don't have the Scandinavian version; and even if I did I'd want three of each before committing to a tendency.
Anyone's opinion on this is at least as good as mine, and I'm willing to take it on faith- with a caveat - from those who have played a lot of them.