tim wrote:
They should really take care of this, it's becoming a serious problem.
Perhaps, but perhaps not. There are so many things I love that are disappearing, and the world doesn't seem to care. While ersatz wood is not for me, I am not opposed to any number of other approaches. Paint, duco...Heck, I have no problem with Sonor deciding to become 'environmentally conscious,' but I would expect any company making that kind of decision to speak it beforehand rather than disrespecting the prospective customer by declaiming it after the fact.
There was an analogous situation at Mercedes about ten years ago. Driven by competition from the Japanese carmakers, Mercedes forswore their tried and true ability to make wonderful mechanical devices and instead festooned their cars with electronic components - which were not durable. Engines were fine, but windows would go down and never go up again, sunroofs stayed open in the rain, and all manner of small luxury devices quit on a regular basis. Thousands of Mercedes owners were furious, but the editor of the Mercedes Benz Club magazine, supported in some measure by the factory (huge advertising revenues, junkets to Duetschland and the like) refused to print any of the fiery letters decrying the situation. That lasted for about three years, until somebody at Mercedes woke up and realized that they had a full scale problem on their hands, announced that they knew about it and were going to fix it. By that time, a large percentage of their historic customer base had got rid of their cars and wouldn't buy new ones, going over to Lexus instead.