After spending 1 hour listening to this recording (Hi Fidelity speakers), I have from a recording engineers perspective, some thoughts. Hope this helps.
1. The kick sounds like it's being only miked from the outside, which takes away from the clarity. Or you could've been feathering the kick, which will make it very low in the mix. The fader could be too low in the overall mix, try turning it up or maybe some compression.
2. Nearly all of your recordings have some of that 350-500Hz low midrange, which can be distracting frequency wise from hearing the clarity of certain drum tracks, In this case the kick.
3. I can barely hear the bass drum in your mix. I could be making unfair comparisons, because I'm use to hearing my own tighter punchier sounding bass drum going through a Neve mic preamp.
4. I don't care for the hi hats very much, that's more from a drummers perspective. The toms sound good, but they have a lot of that 300 Hz midrange.
5. Excellent playing as always! I knew the drummer would come out while I was typing this.