Gregory wrote:
Royal ace wrote:
At the risk of riling those unregenerate Free Marketeers among us, I think one positive aspect of the health care bill is that it could be the foot-in-the-door to Single Payer that the right is prophesying, with dire fear and trembling, as the end of life, liberty and the Amurrican Way!
My response to them: If only!
That's a fairly loaded paragraph, Ron. Would you care to illuminate what you mean by "Amurrican?"
Actually, it's more properly, 'murcan', as in, "That socialist, commie, fascist, Muslim in the White House is out to destroy our GOD GIVEN MURCAN WAY!
The great historian of the United States, Gore Vidal, uses the term, "United Statesers", sardonically to point out the mindless, solipsistic chauvinism endemic to the U.S.A., where most people use "America" and "American" as if the U.S.A. were the only country in a tri-continental hemisphere of many other countries... as if it were the only country of any account.
It's as if a Swede were to mean Sweden only by the use of the word "Europe". Wouldn't that be demeaning to an Italian, say?
But I love my country, anyway. Besides, I'm too old, lazy and comfortable to emigrate.
Did I answer your question, Greg?