cliff wrote:
Come on guys, I am trying to kid myself that I can find something else that I will like.[/color]
Dangerous territory
I once had the privilege of designing my own stick. It was just perfect, and I couldn't use anything else.
They were made by a local guy, who imported Hickory dowels. He made replicas of all popular brands and models. We stocked his version of ProMark, Vater and Vic Firth in most popular models.
I sent him a stick i liked, and asked for a few mods, ie/ larger Ball Tip, slightly heavier shoulder, slightly thicker. (Perfect, at the time
), and the perfect stick was born.
The maker of these fine sticks had Cancer, and eventually could no longer live with the pain.
His legacy was lost, machinery was purchased, but product never resurfaced. Very sad, in many ways.
However, the 26prs of sticks he made me (6weeks prior to his passing) were made from the best hickory he had ever received (this is what I was told, they were the BEST sticks ever).
But, they didn't last forever, and I was lost
I'm sure you're aware, but don't get too comfortable