Thanks for everyone's opinions!!!!
I'll have to experiment with the coated Emperors over the Ambassadors; however, Cliff is right...I do like the sound I'm getting from my toms currently. The main change I'm worried about making is with the bass drum (which, I'm unsure of the heads..."sonor" coated resonant head and unmarked coated batter side). I think I'm also going to go with clear resonant heads.
Like I mentioned, the set's in a deep clean process so it will be a while before I get to the tuning aspect but I wanted to understand the difference in head's before making a decision.
_________________ Justin
Designer Maple Light (Bubinga) 8,10,12,14,16, 22 kick Force Custom (Bee-Bop Jazz) 12,14, 18 kick Remo Roto Tom (Chrome) 14, 16 Snare HLD 588 Signature