Hookd on Phonics wrote:
Yup, one of those Hong Kong english dubbed ones...
Back on the topic:
- Since I'll never go after a Designer bop kit (that's for sure, it's insane selling the S Classix), the idea was to swap the Gretsch bop kit for an 18" kick so I can play the Sonors everywhere.
Here it is:
http://www.thomann.de/gb/sonor_s_classix_18x16_bd52.htmWith shipping and taxes, the final price will reach 935euro (according to my calculations). And I think I can get 400euro from the Catalina bop kit.
So, that will leave me with 500e to somehow find... It's clear to me as day that I won't keep the Catalina in the future, since i won't be able to store 2 kits. And, when (I hope) kids come, music will wait, I'm sure, since both Marta and I will focus our energy on family.
But I also know that I wouldn't be happy with dragging the (new) Sonor bop kit to every gig, and that would force me to keep the Catalina for 2 more years, which would mean that I'll have to give all the cash at once. And that sum is hard for me to justify, at the moment...
I think it would be best to - well, stay put...
I still have that in mind, I must admit. But with the bank mortgage I took for renovating, it's impossible to think in that direction this year.
I may be able to ask the SONOR representative here, about the cost for an 18" bass drum, and (whether) he's willing to take the 22" bd. I just came up with this idea, so I'll try to see what I'll be able to get as an info on this. If he can offer me an 18" bd for 750euro, I'm sure I'll be tempted as hell...
Your offer guys is VERY SINCERE, and unbelievable!!! I must say that people here don't think like this, let alone make it happen.
From the bottom of my heart guys, I'm thrilled, honored and amazed by your thoughts and will to help.
But, I must say it would be a burden and a deed that would be very difficult to repay (and I'm not talking about money here).
The thought alone makes me the happiest drummer in the world, believe me. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!
Sorry for the long rant...