In'erestin' stuff, Goki. Don't think the Gumbal would be much use to me, since I don't use a top felt except on my splash, without pressure, so that it doesn't hit the retaining nut ( I wouldn't consider shoving a big wad of gummy damper in its hole), and on the flat ride, where I use felt to provide pressure on the cymbal to keep the heavy side aimed toward me. But I'm not a heavy hitter; they might find it more useful.
In the meantime, I keep a supply of tubing on hand to replace lost or worn protectors.
I have watched guys find the cymbal hole by scraping the cymbal on the threaded post until it drops on, the way we used to center a record on its spindle. Grombal would get in the way!
Where are you finding this stuff? Don't see the Ludwig vids.