Thanks guys...
I'll try and explain in details:
I bought my Hilites with the Ambassador Coated batter/Clear reso combination. Frankly, I didn't like the sound very much.
Maybe it was because of the old SONOR reso heads, I don't know...
Then I got Coated Emperor batters - the sound improved, but it had more sustain, and I didn't like that.
I changed the reso heads to Clear Emperors (got a propack) and the sound was very good - the only problem, it was a bit choked.
Now, my brother was in the US and I asked for Coated Emps and Ambs, because:
1) Emperors CAN'T be found here.
2)Fusion Amb set is $20+$22.2+$24.5=$66.7
Just for the record - a pair of Vic Firth 5A is $14.
So, the bottom line - I'm after a warmer jazzy tone, but a bit more opened than my current tone. My drums sound fantastic now - like a top fusion set. The problems appear when I play jazz tunes. The attack is more present, and that "plastic" feeling is in the air...
So - what do you think?!? Should I go with this plan, or should I go with Coated Amb batter/reso. Honestly, I don't like that "all in the open" tone, and I fear that Coated Emp batter/reso would be too much...
Yes Greg - I know that fitting an old head on a different shell would be far from ideal, but when faced with limited otpions... Well, one does what he can. Currently, my Gretsch has the Coated Emps and Sonor resos from the Hilite - the sound is just as I like it...
Cliff - they are a lot thinner, so I think putting a Clear Emp would be too much. But I feel that my Coated Emps on the Catalina are slowly getting dull, so they need to be changed. The best option I can get is to somehow find another set of Coated Emps for cheap...
P.S. I would gladly apply for a green card...
Just to buy decent drum gear...