Kelly wrote:
I never got along with the new arms and mounting. Designer arms are irresistably stable. You can see in the pics how the Designer mount has an extra area there to hold the arm steady whereas the newer mount just clamps on the post.
There seems to be no tom drop to account for with the Designer mount.
There is also a built in "stop" on the Designer. The arm doesn't poke through the top requiring memory locks for your height location.
Designer arms are MUCH thicker and MUCH better looking and the big knob is much easier to turn. Wing style stuff kills my hands.
Kel, you and I actually have the same experiences with both mounts...and totally divergent opinions!
. I find the Pro/Classix mount
a lot more "user friendly" and its much easier for me to use. That "built in stop" on the Designer mount has caused me endless amounts of frustration. I have to mess with the angle I'm mounting the drum as I'm putting it on the arm, tilting it etc. You're right there isn't any tom drop to account for, like there is with the Pro/Classix mount. But I get around that okay by adjusting the angle of the arm. And the knob on the Designer mount gives me fits!
Kelly wrote:
I'm not sure if the Designer arms will fit in a newer style stand. I'll try it later.
They absolutely will. I mix and match them fairly frequently.
Your project looks really killer, by the way. I've always been fond of black S Class Pros.... Maybe I should get some.