My problem is making sure that all beats have the same duration, that 1 or 3 is not elongated in my head just because one or the other has more notes dividing it. The problem shows up acutely with syncopation, where my mind starts to play tricks . Add to that the problem that, as a young man, I never internalized the ability to move from straight to triplet feel, or for that matter to know which I was in, and you can to see where my troubles start to grow as the tempo increases, the subdivisions get smaller, and the feel no longer falls on the beat.
However, I'm having a secondary issue. Cliff (because he is well acquainted with my struggles) posited that if I was indeed playing in 6/8, it is probably 32nd notes that were giving me trouble. So with that bit of correct information, I'm having to revisit time signatures to understand how they are packaged, so that I can work my problems out on paper without creating more confusion by asking questions no one can answer.
I am reading this
this in an attempt to solidify my foundations. Yup, grade 5.