Thanks guys,
Gregory, my metronome has only just started to keep up with me too
Cliff, excellent way of describing how to play to a Click.
I recently started thinking of the Click as a secondary/subliminal pulse, and began just playing to 'The Band' in my head
.Sounds simple
, but often overlooked when you are trying so hard to bury this incessant click. I've made definite improvements, and the band no longer accuses me of speeding up, or slowing down, they now ask what I think
I'm limited for time, so on my day off a spend 1-3hrs practicing, depending on available time.
I have 2 lists of songs to Record. 12 for main project, another 6 on hold.
So I'm concentrating on the 12, they take up the entire practice time anyway, if I'm lucky,I can give them 10mins each, if I'm real lucky I can give them more time, or run the other bands 6 songs.
I have a list of all songs tempos.
I'll start by picking a song, set the metronome to the appropriate tempo, and I'll run through the song. Then (Metronome still on) I'll play a few grooves, fills, patterns around the kit, and any ideas that I think may work with the song, or run over sections I don't nail every time. Maybe run the whole track again.
Then I'll move to song/tempo B, and repeat.
Its been working well, and I feel I'm 80% there, nail it a lot of the time, just have to nail it most, if not all, and I'll be happy.
Some days its just so easy, and others, a little up hill. But after each rough day, I move a step closer to getting it right.
Anyways, its just Blues Rock, not supposed to be perfect