Tuned my 14x7.25 SonorLite snare with the DrumDial today. Looking for the 'Right'
Drum for the Hard Rock/Blues band's recording.
Found something quite interesting
. To put the drum in tune, I had to tension 2 bolts at a higher reading
Granted, I didn't use a new head, or even reseat the existing head. Just checked the measurements where they were, backed the heads off, and started again.
Maybe a bent hoop, or the head was slightly pulled in this spot, but the PSI should indicate the correct tension anyway.Head is quite new, and should be fine.
You could clearly hear that the drum had a lower note at these points, when perfectly in-tune.
After freaking out, checking top/bottom heads, making sure wires are seated perfectly centre, I decided, Against my will
, to do what I should have done in the beginning, and tweak those 2 bolts a little
A whole measure
was needed, PERFECT
What gives, any ideas?