... in the Drum Dial brotherhood!!!!!
Just came back from the post office - saw a card in my post-bx saying something arrived for me. Honestly, I thought it was a catalog...
But, when I read the senders name - suddenly there was me with the BIGGEST smile (even the post clerk looked at me like I was getting 5pounds of cocaine)...
Don't know whose idea was this, but Greg and Cliff - I simply have no words to explain what I feel at the moment.
The note is fantastic, and honestly - I feel like You guys did a hell-of-a-lot-more than I can do for You...
Thanks a MILLION!!!
The note says it all - YES, I now can get fully involved in these Drum Dial discussions...
This kind of tool is absolutely impossible to find here Greg. I've seen only a Tama Tension watch (for 130euros), and honestly I always thought the Drum Dial was a better tool.
You guys are the best - I can't wait to try this on the S Classix snare first...
I just need to get it back home from the rehearsal space this weekend...
Now - I need the "lucky" numbers Cliff...
WOW - my very own Drum Dial... HURRAY...
Greg - the fact that it was used before makes it even more valuable...
Once again - THANKS A MILLION for this true and (very) unexpected token of friendship... You guys are the best...
P.S. The customs officers opened it (naturally) the wrong way. The edge gage is nowhere to be found, but I hope it wasn't in the envelope, out of the box...
Still - this WILL have plenty of use, I'm sure of it!!!