Tim and Brian - the hoops were just a twist of faith... And still - the bottom hoop perform excellent, so apart from the visual dis-balance EVERYTHING else is phenomenal!!!
I thank You both once again for going that extra mile just to help me out...
Now, Ive tested 2 other hihats today and one 3 days ago...
First - I've managed to find a 14" K/Z here
A German guy who was going back home decided to sell his drum kit w cymbals. ALL Paiste except the 14" K/Z hihat.
They wouldn't sell the hihat separately, but I've tried it for a minute (the sellers back here are so anal about testing drum gear, it makes me sick). It's bright and full sounding, but I had no chance of checking it with the K Custom cymbals I have...
Today I've tested 2 hihats - a pro-drummer has them and gave them to me for the day (he was the one selling the 13" K hihat for 150euro - a bargain that I passed on to a friend of mine). Luckly BOTH tests were done on my S Classix, with MY Cymbals.
1) Avedis 13" Quick beat hihats - interesting concept, but sooo out of my idea for a sound...
2) 14" K Mastersound hihat - the CLOSEST to what I imagine a hihat with the K Customs should sound like!!! Great projection, a different base (fundamental) note than the regular K I have. No wonder, since the top hihat is very similar to a K Custom (same lathing, different hammering pattern). Only one thing was not to my liking. Used for lighter tunes, they performed poorly. You can't bring the dynamics down like You can with the regular K (I think it's the bottom hihat) - and I need all the dynamics I can get, since I'm using an 18" K Custom Flat Top Ride...
So, at the moment it looks like the 14" K Mastersound is closest to the "final solution"... I think I may be able to even get the Avedis hihats for like 50euro (they're old), but the problem is the top cymbal cracked and was cut (3-4mm)
I hope luck smiles at me and I'll test a 13" K Custom Dark hats. On the Zildjian webpage, they sound (to me) better than the K Mastersound...
So far, all impossible combinations turned out in my favor, although we DON'T have a Zildjian dealer back here...
The search continues...