My Friends,
I'm just a little embarrassed (
actually, I felt like a complete dipschitt)to admit that I bought
two of the bass drum ports direct when they first came out. Stupidest money I've ever spent. Saying that the drumport works like a speaker port is utter nonsense. While I love the sound of my 24" Lite bass drum, I've never been super-happy with the sound of my 22" Sonorlite kicks, so I was willing to try them. They were like $40.00 each plus shipping, and I believe the only thing they
might improve the sound of would be the wazoo of the the guy who sold them to me, after I shove them into the orifice where they
truly belong!
The faces of this company everytime they ship one of these!
Your humble (
make that humiliated) consumer reporter,
I am a propellor-head too. Ordered one in the US after I read the enthousiastic NAMM reports last year on several sites and must have been the first in Holland to have gotten one. Rather disappointing. I had to stick foam tape on my reso to avoid rattling of the thing. I think it takes away low end because the resohead can't move freely. No succes on a SQ2 or SClassix BD.